I'm blown away that my art show, "The Illusion of Glamour" was a huge success!
The turn-out was fantastic, the community support phenomenal, and I sold 10 paintings!
This is a big news break-through in Gretchenland. After years of art shows that have been fun but financially crippling, I can't even say how great this feels to my soul!

Sam Poe Gallery is such a wonderful place to show, and Sam and Poe are the best!

The great lighting made my paintings look lush and rich.
Many thanks and gratitude to all of you showing support for me.
I love being on this planet with you all, and I'll do the best I can to give back.

I did in-fact wear a skunk on my head, at least part of the night.

The paintings seemed to sell themselves, I didn't have to stick-up too many people,
as guns and glamour seem to work together fabulously!

The kids were on the job with the hold-ups though. Everyone had a colorful "Janimal" gun on this special "Armed Forces Day".
After the show, I was packing heavy artillery on my way to Hot Licks to see two of my favorite bands. I have to say, I felt some power packing 6-8 machine guns, dressed in glitter and wearing 6 inch platforms as I walked down the street!
I spotted two guys dumping garbage in alley, and though we don't know each other, they were game to pose with me.

I arrived at Hot Licks just in time for "G-String Theory", led by Eileen Ford.
I am so excited to have such an amazing band in Bisbee! I think Bisbee is the Berlin of the Southwest, and Eileen and "G-String Theory" the house band of the coolest club in town.
She's just as good as any of my all-time favorite singers. I think Eileen is genius!
I predict "The Mission Creeps" will really make it big!
Frankie Stein and James Arr are hot, hot hot!
Frankie is mesmerizing. She's extremely talented, an amazing bass player, and great fun to hang out with!

To top all, Frankie arrived with her own Scooter gang, who drove all the way from Tucson to see the show. Frankie and her gang are completely bad-ass!
But the night didn't end here, "Armed Forces Day" went out in style..."Arizona style".
There was a massive fight in Brewery Gulch of about 20 people.
This fight took 6 cruisers, 12 Border Patrol vehicles, and two I.C.E. vehicles to break up.
There were people face down in the street, handcuffed people galore, ending in some tazoring.
Ouch! All this while Sarah Palin and Jan Brewer join evil forces in Phoenix to proclaim
"We are all Arizonans now". Ugh. PLEASE don't move here, Sarah!
I was stuck smack dab in all this mess for a while, and though I wanted to take pictures,
I was in a Hillary Clinton art car with 8 "machine guns" strapped to my sides, so I decided not to push my luck.
O.K., I'll put away the guns now, but I'm all fired up to get back to painting... packing a whole new kind of artillery!